Tips to Prevent Workplace Injuries

An accident at the workplace can have a big impact on your business. It can impact financially due to high medical bills, a decrease in productivity, and low morale of the employees.

The best way to avoid these costs is by avoiding injuries. Follow these simple tips to prevent injuries and protect your workplace.

Incorporate a Safety and Wellness Plan

An effective accident prevention and wellness program is the foundation of a safe work environment. The safety program or plan needs to cover all the employees and they should be encouraged to report any hazardous practices or behavior at the workplace.

Conduct Pre-placement Physicals

The pre-employment physical test is important to know if an employee is fit to perform the task properly. This is very important as some accidents are caused due to inexperience and the inability to physically perform the task. Hence, screening applicants is must for placement of  appropriate positions matching their physical capabilities.

Educate Employees and Management Staff

Cultivate a safety standard among employees and management staff. Employees should be trained regularly about the importance of following safety measures. You can also conduct supplemental training as it can reduce strain injuries, and keep employees safe during their job

Research Safety Liabilities

Different industries and businesses have different safety concerns. Hence, it is important to pay extra attention to common accidents and develop strategies to avoid any mishappening.

Provide Protection Equipment

Personal protection equipment (PPE) is essential for complete safety at the workplace. Every employee should be trained on how to properly use safety equipment like safety glasses, safety shoes, hearing protection, etc.

Have Adequate Staffing levels

More often, overtime hours are implemented because of low staffing levels. Due to overwork, an employee may suffer from exhaustion and that may lead to accidents. Hence, hiring part-time or seasonal staff could prevent accidents caused due to exhaustion.

Don’t Take Shortcuts

Most of the accidents happen when employees skip steps to complete a job early. Make sure that all instructions are clear and organized to prevent undue mishappenings at the workplace.

Inspect and Maintain All Company Vehicles

Workplace-driving accidents are also common; to avoid this, all the vehicles like forklifts, cranes, etc should be properly maintained. Monthly inspections and repairing of vehicles should be performed at regular intervals.

Monitor Safety Measures

Once initial training is completed, reinforce safety measures more often – staff meetings, supervision, and education. You can also reward employees who abide by setting standards or staying injury-free to boost the interest of other employees.

Keep the Workplace in Order

Poor maintenance can cause serious health and safety hazards. A workplace should have adequate footpath markings, free of debris, and stations for cleaning up spills.

If you follow these simple safety tips and make a proper injury care program, you can avoid the mishappenings and unforeseen injuries at the workplace. Invest in a good quality PPE that can act as a barrier between an employee and the injury. You can explore safety category on our website and get the best assortment of brands at an affordable price. 

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